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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Back to October

I'm so addicted to "Good Time"!! I'm getting to feel OWL CITY is VERYYYYY HOT in the video! I love his crocked mouth while singing, it's so flirty and sexy haha! xD Now, I'm becoming very active in YouTube and quite active in Twitter, obviously I want to wipe Facebook out. Lol I'm getting to think FB is influential in a bad way and not real. So, I need to pull myself out. Watching Ellen Show on YouTube has becoming my daily must-do and must-watch habit, it's so great to see her around :)

Carly, your voice is so sweet!!^^ well, my comment is for real. I seriously think so. Shhhhh *blush*

Jiemei, especially YieKin, did you see that?? I'm actually pasting your hand-made lovey card on my wall! In my room! =D *twinkle-twinkly* It means a lot to me, it really does, don't doubt that :) LoveAllOfYou!

My dad is so famous among his students. He got 100+likes just in ONE night short!! 

Your lovey card on my wall xD

If you can't see the pictures in the card, this is it :) 

It's always a GOOD TIME~ by Owl City feat. Carly

 Good day!

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