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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Decorate The Classroom

So... following my previous post, have you found out your purpose of living? :) How are you? Are you happy and satisfied with your achievement at your current age? :)

I'm not yet satisfied, it's never been satisfying when you see people around you - younger at age, looking mature, speak like an adult, good at socializing, fashion sense, etc. Although feel like leaving behind, at least I start to wonder

I'm always improving myself :) And I'm always learning from people.

I will become a better person!

On the spur of the moment, since it's been stuck in my head for a few weeks, plus, not to forget my effort of pushing my elder sister for lending me a helping hand; I finally began my first step in decorating my classroom! ^_^ 

Theme : Colourful Amusement Park

[Front board]
[Front board]

[Back board]
[Back board]

Credits to my sister! Guess what! We've been doing this for 5 hours long!
Sis, you're a true art!

And I'm very artistic too :P


~唯一的人~ said...

Nice work! Especially the back board!! <3 it! xD

† Mэღn Shай 乄 said...

Haha thank you!! We did back board first, so we put most of our sweat and blood into it! ^_^