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My Attitude‧ My Life

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Monday, December 3, 2012

A closer look at your life

It's a message from my friend. I thought he was funny having to ask me what's the purpose of my life, then I paused for a while. No one has ever asked me about this, I only hear myself asking the meaning of life. I have a lot of dreams you know :) Some are unrealistic; some just, so real that you can feel it in your beating heart; some are unreal yet you've got your instinct to tell you, your dream, will come true.

I want to travel. Romantic Aegean Sea, Santorini, Greece - the first destination to go! Thanks to my younger sister, who bought a book specially called "Love in Aegean Sea" and she let me read; thanks to "Mamma Mia!" - a musical movie played in Santorini Island; thanks to year 2009 sports day, the theme for our RED team was based on Rom/ Greece warriors and angels; because of all these, then only I get to reckon the country, this wonderful, peaceful place.

Year 2009 Sports Day.

Aegean Sea, Greece.
I want to travel and travel and travel. I don't want any relationship. I want money. Ta-daaaa.

He asked me "Have you found your true purpose of being alive? :)"

Finally someone asked me. I have found my answer early, just that I didn't speak out. Then I answered him:

Do what I like. In every stage of your life, you sure have something you want to do at your age, just go ahead, but must be realistic because we're still having financial incapability. They say "you either behave like a boss, or you don't care who's the boss", and i dont care who is the boss lol.
He replied something which I think it does make sense:
Most ppl can't answer this question, I'm glad that you already figured out how to live life to the fullest :-) I agree with you, our life is a journey to explore, we should view it with childlike curiosity&excitement, not as a trend cause life is too short for ordinary. Yup, we should take ownership of our life, we're the BOSS! xD nothing else can really bring us down except if we allow them to :D 
What about you? Travelling is purely one of my option, it's just my utmost first three options :)

If only love story happens to me.

Same person appears for the same reason XOXO!!

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