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My Attitude‧ My Life

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Saturday, December 8, 2012


Dear diary,

I'm so SAD. I can't believe this, I wish I never started playing this and I wish my friend never found me in the map. My friend's buddy insulted me "NOOB", in a gamer's world, "NOOB" is very offensive and it's a harsh word to the players. The worst part is my friend NEVER DEFEND ME. How could people barely watch their friends get cyber bully?? After that only apologized to me? Because my friend chose to self-defend. A person like me, if my friends, anyone, play a game with me and the friend got BULLIED, I will definitely ARGUE back! My friend said what if the buddy is a hacker?

You were so important to me before. Sorry, I couldn't accept this. I'm reading Grammar book, yet I'm feeling so down. I need to reconsider the meaning of friendship. 



Josh said...

Hey dont be sad~ be happy :P but anyway I'll linked you LOL xD

Josh said...

i've linked you, sorry HAHA

† Mэღn Shай 乄 said...

Thanks!^^ :)