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Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Deteriorated Women"

Good morning!

Too aggressive for this?

Click to enlarge! 
1). "他们只要红,出卖了尊严和形象"
Because of FAME, we can simply betray self-esteem and own image
Mister you can't just say "women", perhaps "some of women" will do. You have no idea your only words have offended some ladies like ME! 

2). "非常时用非常手段"
Women are tricksters.

3). "哪怕脱光衣服,以后再像舒淇一件一件穿回来就好了"
Women rather undress themselves as long as they can dress themselves pieces by pieces later or sooner.

4). "不可理喻,他管制你、伤害你、割你"
Women are ridiculous; they manipulate the men, hurt the men and  stab the men.

5). "刚才说深爱你,现在已投入别人的怀抱"
A minute ago, she said she deeply loves you; a minute later, she already embraces in arms of the other man.

6). "一哭二闹三上吊 "
1. Cry first 2. Being nonsense later 3. Then threaten by committing suicide.

Listen, only silly girls will do this! Educated women will not behave like this TRUST me or not. 

7). "不能用头脑理性来分析"
Women could not interpret a condition rationally.

I'm speechless now. Do you have anything else to describe us? May be the women around you are this... deteriorated but not all the women are as mean as portrayed by you. Mind your words! Your only word - "women" already represents all of the females around the world! 

Offensive post. From a broken-hearted man. Who's never been loved but hurt.  


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